Dr. Whittaker Schroder

Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Florida


Dr. Whittaker (Whit) Schroder is an Assistant Professor at the University of Florida in the Department of Anthropology and an affiliate faculty member at the Florida Institute for Built Environment Resilience, as well as a Consulting Scholar at the Penn Cultural Heritage Center. My research focuses on the resilience of individuals and communities through land use and environmental change, from an archaeological perspective. I have most recently engaged with the collection, processing, and analysis of several LiDAR datasets in southern Mexico to understand past settlement systems, agricultural intensification, and fortifications. I have also taught and mentored students from several disciplines, including Anthropology, Archaeology, Design and Planning, Latin American Studies, and Art History. I currently direct the Proyecto Arqueológico Bajo Lacantún (Lower Lacantún Archaeological Project) in Chiapas, Mexico.
