Ethics in Remote Sensing


Ethics in Remote Sensing#


Berman, Gabrielle, Sara de la Rosa, and Tanya Accone. 2018. Ethical Considerations When Using Geospatial Technologies for Evidence Generation. UNICEF, Florence.

Casana, Jesse. 2015. Satellite Imagery-Based Analysis of Archaeological Looting in Syria. Near Eastern Archaeology 78(3):142-152.

Casana, Jesse and Elise Jakoby Laugier. 2017. Satellite Imagery-Based Monitoring of Archaeological Site Damage in the Syrian Civil War. PLOS ONE 12(11):e0188589.

Chase, Adrian S.Z., Diane Chase, and Arlen Chase. 2020. Ethics, New Colonialism, and Lidar Data: A Decade of Lidar in Maya Archaeology. Journal of Computer Appications in Archaeology 3(1):51-62.

Cohen, Anna, Sarah Klassen, and Damian Evans. 2020. Ethics in Archaeological Lidar. Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology 3(1):76-91.

Davis, Dylan S., Danielle Buffa, Tanambelo Rasolondrainy, Ebony Creswell, Chiamaka Anyanwu, Abiola Ibirogba, Clare Randolph, Abderrahim Ouarghidi, Leanne N. Phelps, François Lahiniriko, Zafy Maharesy Chrisostome, George Manahira, and Kristina Douglass. 2020. The aerial panopticon and the ethics of archaeological remote sensing in sacred cultural spaces. Archaeological Prospection 28(3):305-320.

Lauricella, Anthony, Joshua Cannon, Scott Branting, and Emily Hammer. 2017. Semi-automated detection of looting in Afghanistan Using Multispectral Imagery and Principal Component Analysis. Antiquity 91:359.